busy, hectic to relax I do not have a chance to use a book, or an ordinary sitting of the coffee. But it travels throughout the corners of memory may want to catch what is good (according to the plan from the previous post) so I had
keep yourself motivated but Hani-mail to Share.
Because it was so that the situation I was adopted, I had no real grandmother or aunt .. yes it was .. Except that no one would have guessed that seeing me among my family.
holiday with her parents it was for me something boring and horrible. But the vacation with his grandparents ... That's another story.
Here is a child, which is very embarrassing, which has still some problems with each other, which from an early age thinking about how it would if it was to go to the bridge and throw it in August, a child in the city of S completely about not remember.
Well, let a cavity in a few memories. S
City, attended by: grandmother, grandfather, (though he died early and so I have many memories of him), my three aunts have since always spoke on behalf of (one of them just a few years older than me), then engaged to be married first with families (in the order of H. G and A), and sometimes Aunt K with the family and many other random people for me, but not related to the rest:)
time share: vacation between my 6.7 year life of a. .. do not remember (When was the last time I spent at S a vacation?)
Memories # 1: duvets.
Someone else knows what are duvets?
hide under the quilt was a super feeling, warm and very lightly. But the quilts also remind me of a ritual of going to sleep, with pokrzykiwaniami who first and who later. I even sent to bed earlier than others who have listened mean, who does what and funny verbal scuffles between the grandmother and grandfather who slept under the quilt in the same room
Memories # 2: I remember the meals
store for the table, remember Round bread, butter (in My early memories kept in a bucket of icy water), ham (maybe it was different for me, ham-ham was wszytsko) and tomatoes ..
But the best was at the table, jokes, male dogryzanki, elbowing .. Wymadrza someone will, someone protests .. Remembering someone as someone once ... From this table reluctantly gets up. I remember how dragged sipping tea, or sandwiches dogryzanie ...
No wonder that one day on these holidays very denounced by the needle:)
Memories # 3: Granny Granny
seemed very sure of herself and what she wants. I always knew how to podyrygowac people and their set up, a tad .. But I always felt with her .. well. She had nicknames for everybody (for me, sometimes completely understandable-not because I rather not brought why my grandfather Andrew was called by her Jack) and a huge sense of humor. Wszytskie her daughters inherit them in various degrees. There were moments when the wszytskich nakrzyczala but often including its nakrzyczeniu (for me personally), there was no conviction and it was evident that speaks to her more humorous aspect of the situation.
Apparently my grandmother was once a successful medium for my mother's stepmother. For me it was fantastic and Bacia do not think I ever heard from her though a bad word.
grandfather was a quieter, spoke much less but also jokes and was often in my memory as an amiable man laughing in spite of often earn continuous.
Memorial 4th Work
Sure, (as I grew up) had some some responsibilities. I do not think they weighed too much, since they do not remember. I remember collecting bottles / Jars? , Washing them and taking on the sale. But remember it is rather the plaintiffs such that it was a wonderfully warm, glass was in a metal tub in the backyard and was so nice to listen to the radio (Mandatory summer with a radio receiver that stands in the open window) and play with water. Sometimes the lezaczku sat next to any of the aunts, but rarely bezczynnnie, Most peeling potatoes or something there scraping. Besides, there
everyone was always busy in some way. Uncles bustling near home (there something there, something to fix the patch), aunts cleaner, cooking and my grandmother worked during the day. My mom sat down as she traveled mostly by machine.
Memories 5th currants
memory a bit strange because even though these pozreczek not really liked it, deep inside the soul, I loved it ... Imagine a huge long row of black currant bushes covered in sweet-acidic fruits .. A lot of work. But remember also
ritual szykowania August, taking baskets .. On the field (A rather whether the court properly with sliwami and apple trees), we had to go through the cemetery has always evoked in me a certain feeling of anxiety, but then took some stools and August skubalo, skubalo, skubalo .. Perhaps it was to work under the sun najnudzniejsza if not miraculous stories, jokes memories snooping by me outright greedy.
Many of them do not even remember today, but how much they talked about people, about life and my family
This is my most beloved memories.
Although I have many, many others. Wedding G urwalysmy August when under Weather watch for the rich, combing the lice on his return from the colony are any, or even stolen bob expedition to the lake or water. Wszytsko very joyful. Strange
with them according to the S never vacation does not raining. Strange that, according to them in the S no one ever was seriously bad, nor long August dasal.
After years oplakalam very fact that they are not my real family. Because really I have no sister gene J, I'm not part of the Family.
So after years of often envied them the intimacy of joint meetings, vigils in which my mom did not want to participate too
After years of thanking God and amazed that no one ever gave me not to feel that he has been accepted and beloved ...
After years of lying in a hospital bed after a suicide attempt and some thought that if I was like I had to force ONI in order to live and laugh at this.
But it took those years still affect more that I understand that you have a family who accepts and loves it because it tells something special in them, you spotaknie leaves a trace, the trace of who is a counterweight to the bad days and bad memories.
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