Friday, December 17, 2010

Suitcase Piercing Hot

Final destination? Happy Monday Bench

Sometimes I get interested hopes to be good, that will work out ... But more often I know the glass is half empty and my life have I dowalic once or twice a day.
you get used to.

When I wake up and flooded the apartment neighbor, no electricity (and hence does not work heating, hot water and stove) and Jula as 3, in turn, declares that it hurts me very bad throat and I feel, you can order and eat work.
cold milk to feed children and to put into quilts, call the neighbor and ask him to someone who brought a check elektrycznosc.Mozna. And then I was a man laughing to himself, the day also happened to him in August ..
But if the day broke samgo sie samochod, trzymajac Cliffa gdzies na drodze w zimna noc a potem okazuje sie,ze naprawa plus przeglady plus rozne duperele zjedza nasze (mizerne) oszczednosci a pensja wstrzymana z jakiegos powodu to juz sobie mysle,ze tak wlasnie mam zyc. Przeznaczenie takie. Ciagle w nerwach, ciagle myslac jaki krok zrobic i ciagle bez mozliwosci relaksu.

Byl moment ,ze myslalam,ze majac cudownego czlowieka przy boku pomoze mi.. Ale wydaje mi sie,ze ja przynosze wszytskim pecha. Ze nikt przy mnie nie moze byc szczesliwy i,ze ja tylko klopoty przynosze. Od samej siebie nie da sie uciec.

Wlasnie wiekszosc planow na Nowy Rok poszla sie pasc. Nie bedzie wiekszego mieszkania, nie pojade nigdzie ani nie bede mogla nikogo do siebie zaprosic. Zmeczona I was this continuous tension.
And it's not like that every once in a car. For me it is time the car, once under the wheels. That is either bad, or worse ... Luckily

children healthier.


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